Replacement door entry fobs
If you live in a property or have access to a building that has a communal door entry system, you may need to order replacement or additional door entry fobs or 'key' fobs. These allow us to securely manage access to your building.
The way you order replacement fobs is different, depending on whether you are a tenant or a leaseholder. There is charge for all replacement or fobs, except for stolen fobs where you have provided us with a crime reference number.
You must let us know as soon as possible, if a fob is lost or stolen so we can deactivate it.
Stolen door entry fobs
If you have had your door entry fob stolen and produce a crime reference number, you will not be charged for a new one. If you cannot provide a crime reference number, you will be charged for a replacement.
Lost, damaged or extra door entry fobs
If you have lost a door entry fob, accidentally damaged it or just need an extra one, you will have to pay for a new fob.
How to order a door entry fob
- Pay for your door entry fob online at Derby Direct to You
- Send proof of your payment to [email protected]
- We'll contact you when your new door entry fob is ready to collect
Replacing faulty door entry fobs
If your door entry fob is faulty, we will replace it free of charge. To replace a faulty fob, contact [email protected]
Note: If you do not return your faulty door entry fob, you will be charged for a new one.
Stolen door entry fobs
If you have had your door entry fob stolen and produce a crime reference number, you will not be charged for a new one. If you cannot provide a crime reference number, you will be charged for a replacement.
Lost, damaged or extra door entry fobs
If you have lost a door entry fob, accidentally damaged it or need an extra one, you will have to pay for a new one.
How to order a door entry fob
- Pay for your door entry fob online at Derby Direct to You
- Send proof of your payment to the Leasehold Team
- We'll contact you when your new door entry fob is ready to collect
Replacing faulty door entry fobs
If your door entry fob is faulty, we will replace it free of charge. To replace a faulty fob, contact Leasehold Team
Note: If you do not return your faulty door entry fob, you will be charged for a new one.