Last year we told you that our repairs service was facing significant pressures due to an increase in the number of repairs being reported. Well, this year we’ve had even more jobs reported, 3,000 more than last year, and despite this, we are performing better. This time last year we had an average of 6,500 repairs outstanding, we’ve now got this number down to 5,000.

Prioritising urgent repairs 

We are still prioritising emergency repairs and complete 96% of emergency repairs within our target timescale. This does mean that non-urgent jobs can take longer to complete than we would like. 

We are currently completing 76% of non-emergency jobs within the target timescales which is up almost 10% from last year. This is down to the measures we put in place: 

  • Increased our workforce to tackle the immediate problem.
  • Reviewed the way we schedule work.
  • Improving access rates through social media campaigns and contacting you the day before an appointment.

We’re in a much better position, but there’s still a long way to go. We’re still having issues with roofing and plastering jobs due to the sheer number of jobs.

How you can help

Is it really urgent? If it's not, waiting a month or two could help us reduce the backlog of jobs.

Make sure you’re in – A wasted trip means a delayed repair for someone else. Let us know if you need to cancel or change an appointment. Reply to your SMS reminder up to 24 hours before or call us if it's less than 24 hours. If you don’t, we may charge you a £10 missed appointment fee.  

Give us access – Make sure we can access the areas they need to work in. Our staff cannot enter a home without someone over 18 years old being home.

Know what to expect – Some jobs can’t be completed on the first visit. Sometimes we’ll need to order specialist equipment or materials.