The Derby Association of Community Partners (DACP) is an established voluntary organisation for tenants, community groups and other partner agencies. It was officially established in 1995, which means that during the 2024 - 2025 financial year, the DACP will be celebrating its 30th Anniversary as a constituted tenant federation.

To mark this momentous milestone, they are planning to distribute £30,000 between 30 groups across Derby (30 awards of £1,000 for each group). This will cement the DACP’s legacy in the Derby community. The intention is for the impact of helping as many as possible to be both seen and felt in the city.

The DACP has continuously and generously funded core community groups, projects and various organisations which are a foundation for the community. Providing support to those who need it the most.

Who can apply?

To apply for a grant from DACP you must be a community group, a voluntary or not for profit organisation, or a local resident delivering a project or service in Derby City that benefits the local community and Derby Homes tenants.

What can the funding go towards?

The following items are examples of things that the funding can be used for:

  • Equipment
  • Training
  • Events
  • Publicity
  • Start-up costs

How to apply

Go to the DACP section on the Let’s Talk Derby Homes site to download and complete the application form. Send your completed form by email so your application can be reviewed as quickly as possible.

Apply now

DEADLINE EXTENSION: The deadline for DACP30 grant applications is midnight on the evening of Monday 30 September 2024.

The DACP through the decades

Derby Association of Community Partners formed out of the tenant-led, social housing activism from the late 80s and early 90s.

The Housing Act of 1988 gave secure tenants the right to opt to transfer to an approved landlord other than the council. There was a mixed response to ‘Tenants’ Choice’. Some felt that it could give them better services and the opportunity to influence housing management practices. Others protested against the legislation, fearing it might push up rents and threaten their security as tenants. In Derby, tenants chose to retain Derby City Council as their housing landlord.

In the 1990s Derby City Council formed ‘Customer Panels’ for every estate in Derby. The Panels met regularly to talk with housing staff, Ward Councillors and a member of what was then the Housing Committee. In 1995 the DACP was formed to co-ordinate and support the activities of the 21 different customer panels. Its representatives met with the Chair and Vice Chair of Housing and the Director of Housing and Environmental Services to develop new initiatives and set standards.

As times and social housing regulation have changed, so has the role of the DACP. They have coordinated citywide groups, championed tenant involvement, scrutinised and challenged the local authority’s housing services, monitored performance and even held a successful tenants’ conference for number for years. Over the decades, the DACP has always given back and used its position to support groups and causes to benefit others in Derby, in particular a regular commitment to supporting the Derby Children’s Holiday Centre in Skegness.

That commitment remains in the volunteer members today and will be celebrated through these special anniversary grants.