Senior Management Team
Over 500 people work at Derby Homes. The jobs our staff do range from trade work to homeless outreach to accounting, support, property/tenancy management and neighbourhood officers.
The organisation is currently split into three directorates and is led by managing Director Maria Murphy.
View the full Derby Homes Senior Management Structure.
The Managing Director has overall corporate management and operational responsibility (including overall management responsibility for all officers) and represents the Board on partnership and external bodies.
The Finance Director and Company Secretary is responsible for ensuring proper governance of Derby Homes, support for its Board and compliance with statutory requirements, together with management of the following service areas:
- Budgets
- Payments and accountancy
- Performance management
- Procurement
- Governance
- Legal
- Corporate Services and Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
The Director of Property has responsibility for strategic management of all maintenance and new build services covering:
- Planned maintenance
- Programmed and cyclical maintenance
- Responsive repairs and servicing
This includes management of health and safety in these high risk areas of the business.
The Director of Housing Services has overall responsibility for all areas of housing management and homelessness services.
The Head of Governance and Corporate Services has responsibility for the Governance of the company including:
- Legal and data processing issues
- Equality and diversity issues
- Corporate services
- Procurement
- Health and safety
- Corporate support
The Head of Finance and Income is responsible for income management, including:
- Rent arrears
- Rental control
- Money and other advice services
- Customer services and leasehold management
- Delivery of budgeting, accounting and company payments/income services
The Head of Quality and Consumer Regulation has responsibility for our regulatory and legislative duties within the Consumer Standards to deliver high-quality services. They lead on the collection and analysis of performance information to ensure we learn from customer feedback to inform intelligence-led decision making.
The Head of Repairs has day-to-day responsibility for the responsive repairs service.
The Head of Capital Works has day-to-day responsibility for:
- Planned and programmed maintenance
- Development and new build
The Head of Housing Options and Homelessness is responsible for:
- Homelessness services
- Partnership working
- Housing options
- Allocations
The Head of Housing Management is responsible for:
- Safeguarding
- Customer engagement and community development
- Supported housing services
- Day-to-day services provided through local offices
- Management and maintenance of estates
- Anti-social behaviour