Publication Scheme
In line with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, Derby Homes seeks to make publicly available as much information as possible about its services. We have adopted the Model Publication Scheme set up by the Information Commissioner's Office.
Derby Homes is a registered provider of social housing with the Homes & Communities Agency. Register No 4576
Derby Homes is a company limited by guarantee registered in England with Companies House. Registered No 4380984.
Derby Homes Ltd
839 London Road
DE24 8UZ
Who we are and what we do
Roles and responsibilities
You can find out more About Us at this link and about our relationship with Derby City Council at this link.
You can find information about out Our Senior Management Team
Our mission, objectives and values can be viewed here.
Articles of Association
Derby Homes was set up in 2002. Our main roles and responsibilities as an organisation are set out in our Memorandum and Articles of Association (link required)
Board Membership
Derby Homes has a Board which oversees its work and ensures it is meeting its mission, objectives and values. The Board comprises three tenants, three Councillors, and three independent members. You can find out more about our Board Membership at this link Our Board
Operational Committee
We also operate an Operational Committee with a majority of tenants that takes decisions and makes recommendations to the Board and to the Council.
Senior Executives
We can provide information on the responsibilities of our Directors, and the services they manage.
The Derby Association of Community Partners (DACP) is our resident involvement partner and has representation on the Operational Board. It is regularly consulted on issues affecting tenants and helps us to understand issues that face tenants.
Contact Points
Derby Homes tries to make it as easy as possible for its customers and partners to get in contact, whether this is by telephone, email, letter, or in person. To find out how to Contact Us, please use this link. We can also provide contact details for individual members of staff and teams where appropriate.
What we spend and how we spend it
Derby Homes receives the vast majority of its funding from Derby City Council to undertake Housing Management and Maintenance services for tenants. The Council uses the rental and service charge income collected to fund these services. In addition we do have a limited number of our own properties that we managed and maintain ourselves. Each year we produce a set of accounts which record the financial position of the company, these are produced in line with statutory and regulatory requirements and are independently assessed by our External Auditors.
Annual accounts
Our Annual Report contains details of our annual accounts. These are independently audited by both internal and external auditors, and are scrutinised and approved by our Audit Committee.
Procurement procedures
We sometimes need to procure goods, service and works from others. We have procedures to assist employees to do this.
What our priorities are and how we're doing
We have a number of documents setting out Derby Homes priorities and monitoring our progress. These include strategies, plans, performance indicators, inspections and reviews.
Reports indicating main priorities and progress against them
Our main document is our Delivery Plan. which sets out how we will achieve our mission and aims.
We monitor our performance in all our services on a regular basis, and involve our customers, partners – especially the Council - and staff in doing this. You can find out more information on our page: How are we performing? You can also see a number of reports that include performance information on our Committee Information Management System (CMIS) site.
Annual report
We produce an Annual Report which can be downloaded or sent out to you on request. View previous years Annual Reports.
How we make decisions
Derby Homes has a number of ways in which decisions are made. These include the Board and its Committees, in partnership meetings with the Council, and through delegation to officers within a budget.
Minutes of meetings of the Board
You can view our Board and Committee Minutes on our Committee Management Information System (CMIS).
Our policies and procedures
We have policies and procedures in place to guide staff when carrying out their day to day roles. You can request copies of any of these documents, for example the Councils Allocations Policy, our Recharging Policy or our Anti-Social Behaviour Policy.
Employing and recruiting staff
As well as having policies and procedures for delivering our services, we also have documents setting out how we will employ and recruit staff, to ensure these processes are fair and transparent. We make information available on what is involved in Working for us, as well as a list of Current job vacancies.
Customer service
Excellent customer service is at the heart of Derby Homes. We have a clear set of , setting out what customers should expect from all our services and how to contact us if these are not met. Where customers feel our service has exceeded or failed to meet their expectations, they can use our online customer feedback form to let us know. Feedback can be given in a variety of ways but one of these is through our Customer Feedback form. We provide information on a range of feedback data, including number of complaints received
We try to get things right first time. However, we appreciate this doesn’t always happen. Our complaints page tells you what to do if you’re unhappy with the service you receive. We take all complaints seriously and believe we can learn from our mistakes to improve our service in the future.
Records management and personal data
Our Freedom of Information Policy and Data Protection Policy cover how we comply with the Data Protection Act to keep information secure, ensure it is retained appropriately and how it is shared with other organisations where appropriate.
Charging regimes
Derby Homes makes charges for a number of the services provided to its customers, including grounds maintenance, caretaking and certain improvement works. These charges are calculated on an individual basis according to the services received by individual tenants and their circumstances, so further information is only available on request.
Freedom of information and charging
We provide most information free of charge, particularly that which is available here on Derby Homes’ website. Some documents in the Publication Scheme are subject to a charge, usually intended to meet some or all of the cost of publication.
The regulations allow us to pass on to the applicant any disbursement costs that are incurred when processing a request. This includes photocopying and the cost of CD ROM’s. However, if the total disbursement costs are less than £10, a charge will not normally be made.
The regulations allow us to refuse any requests where the time taken to locate and retrieve the information is longer than 18 hours. If this is the case, the applicant will be given the option to refine and resubmit their request so it falls within the appropriate limit.
We have the right to withhold information if the required fee is not paid.
Lists and Registers
We do not currently publish any lists or registers.
The services we offer
Derby Homes offers a wide range of housing and support services to its customers. Further information about the services for which Derby Homes is responsible can be found in our services section.
Derby Homes produces a wide range of information leaflets and policies for its customers and staff. The majority of these can be accessed by searching this website or looking in the Key policies and documents section. Others are available on request. All information is also available on request on audiotape, CD, large print and other methods as required.
Media Releases
Please see the News section of the website.