Equality and diversity
Diversity, fairness and respect
We believe in treating everyone fairly and with respect. The diversity of our city of Derby is a real strength. We want to build strong communities with a sense of togetherness and we want to tackle disadvantage. We also want to build a strong, cohesive workforce that reflects the community we serve. Everyone should be able to reach their full potential and benefit from the cultural, social, economic and civic strength of our city. Only by meeting people’s particular needs, having accessible services and a diverse workforce, just like the community we live in, will we achieve equality.
Derby Homes Equalities Strategy sets out our commitment to equality and diversity and our approach for 2018 - 2021.
Our strategic objectives focus on putting customers first and contributing to developing sustainable communities. A commitment to equality and diversity will make sure that our services are being delivered to all customers and that the organisation is a great place to work for all staff.
An organisation committed to equality and diversity is more likely to attract people from a wider pool of talent if it is explicit in its commitment to diversity and is demonstrating this through how it operates. Staff and volunteers are more likely to perform well, feel motivated and committed and therefore be retained if they feel valued and respected in their working environment. This commitment will also encourage active participation from all and ensure that services are inclusive.
As an equal opportunities employer, Derby Homes is committed to providing equal access to housing services for all, whatever their language or culture. We arrange appropriate language interpreters and support for deaf people, where appropriate.
Our Equality and Diversity Strategy will also ensure Derby Homes is meeting its responsibilities under the 2010 Equalities Act.
Our equality and diversity aims
- Customers - To provide services and opportunities that are tailored to meet the needs of individual customers
- Communities - To value diversity in our communities and encourage community cohesion
- Staff - Be an inclusive employer and provide opportunity and development to all staff
Equality Impact Assessments
We recognise our statutory obligations in respect of Equality Impact Assessments relating to race, disability, gender and age. In addition, we will consider the effects of our business on all other groups including sexual orientation, gender reassignment and religious affinity.
We acknowledge that discrimination and disadvantage may emerge from how we operate and that we have a responsibility to identify what changes and improvements are needed.
All of our board and committee reports contain an equality impact consideration. This will require the report author to summarise the equality impact. If there is significant impact, they may provide additional information as an appendix to the report.
Mental health discrimination
Derby Homes are one of over 1500 organisations that signed up to the Time to Change employer pledge. Introduced in 2011, the pledge was a commitment to changing the way we all think and act about mental health in the workplace, led by the charities Mind and Rethink Mental Illness. Whilst the scheme was retired in June 2020, it's legacy lives on.
With one in six British workers experiencing mental health problems, it's a topic that we should all feel able to talk about. Tackling stigma and discrimination and developing a culture where our employees feel able to talk openly about their mental health problems remains a priority for us, as part of wider health initiatives. Having these all important conversations can make a big difference to many people. The more we talk, the more lives we can change.
Gender pay gap data 2024/25
Women's Hourly Rate | |
4.77% | 12.9% |
Lower (mean) | Lower (median) |
Proportion of women in each pay quartile
Upper quartile | |
66% | 34% |
Men | Women |
Upper middle quartile | |
69% | 31% |
Men | Women |
Lower middle quartile | |
41% | 59% |
Men | Women |
Lower quartile | |
48% | 52% |
Men | Women |
Bonus pay
No bonus paid.
Previous year's data can be found here: