Volunteer as a Tenant Board or Committee Member
We have volunteer opportunities for tenants across our Board and Board Committees:
- Tenant Board Members
- Operational Committee Members
Who we are looking for
You do not need any qualifications, special knowledge, or previous experience. You should be enthusiastic, committed to improving the services Derby Homes delivers to customers and able to express your point of view. You will be expected to attend meetings, training sessions and contribute to discussions to help the board come to decisions.
Benefits and expenses
- Members receive regular training, and a Derby Homes laptop so they can attend online meetings.
- Members are not paid a wage, but some roles such as the Chair, Vice-Chair and Committee Chairs are paid an allowance. These roles are filled by election at the Annual General Meeting in July
- Reasonable travel expenses are payable for company duties, including travelling to official meetings. Support with carers costs is also available.
- As a Board or Committee Member, you will be an important part of the Derby Homes team and play an influential role in decisions being made.
- Gain knowledge, experience and invaluable transferable skills.
- You must be a current Derby Homes or Derby City Council tenant, or the family member of one - If you are the family member of a tenant, you must have lived with your relative for 12 months before you can apply.
- You must be over 18 years old.
- You must not be more than two months in arrears with any rent, service charge or any other payment to Derby City Council or Derby Homes.
- You must not be an employee of Derby City Council or Derby Homes Limited.
You will need to declare any potential conflicts of interest during the application process; you may not be eligible to apply if there is a major conflict of interest, but we will discuss these with you.
Contact us to find out what vacancies we have
Email us: DH-Governanceservices@derbyhomes.orgOpens in new tab
Call us: 01332 255348
Relay UK: 18001 01332 255348